What we do at Juliet9


Juliet9 is built around the philosophy of civilian and military cooperation or CIMIC. It is made up of a highly experienced team of ex-NATO military with vast experience of the Ukraine war and other conflicts over the past 25 years.

CIMIC and therefore Juliet9 encapsulates almost all non-lethal support for the people of Ukraine and those operating to aid them including media & humanitarian personnel in terms of pre-deployment training & escorted front-line access.

We have a focus on “professional media handling” in-country and due to the level our team has been working at for the last eleven months, we have access to the news stories that need to be told.

Aside from this, highly relevant skillsets exist within the team Juliet9 that include Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) to Asset Recovery

Julliet9 is also able to provide specific equipment (PPE, first aid, etc) relevant to operating within Ukraine or other hostile environments as well as training on how to use it. We also have an established, tried & tested logistics network within Ukraine so are able to facilitate delivery of Juliet9 products and services to the units that need them.